Questions de genre dans les Mémoires de Marguerite de Valois

Elise Bergeron

Bergeron, Elise, "Questions de genre dans les Mémoires de Marguerite de Valois", maîtrise de langue et littérature française, Université McGill, 1999.


This Master’s thesis belongs to the field of sixteenth century studies. The text I have chosen to study is the Memoires of Marguerite de Valois, begun in 1594 and published in 1628, thirteen years following the death of this queen. My analysis encompasses both the conventions of genre and rhetoric evidenced in the text. The first chapter explores the peculiarities inherent in the memoirs genre, especially where these explicitly distinguish it from the autobiography. The second chapter examines the rhetorical aspects of Marguerite de Valois’ Memoires. In doing so, I have highlighted and analyzed the rhetorical strategies employed in the text, whose ultimate intent was to convince the initial reader, Brantome, and subsequently posterity, of the political astuteness of an author who was also worthy of her correspondent’s trust as a loyal ally.

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